


Successful Software Application Development Goals

We understand the development process ultimately must meet 3 goals:

  • Meet your requirements
  • Meet your customer or user's needs; and
  • Anticipate future possibilities

Agile Development Methodology

Our approach to application development incorporates the tried and true, agile development process. Simply put this process, allows flexibility and adaptability, and works very well in keeping the spotlight on the ultimate goal, a successful application. Our customers benefit from our added feature of this process in that we continually examine and ask about future possibilities or needs. You are the expert of your industry's trends and demands. Your response to our questions throughout the process allows us to help you get the most out of your application.

Your Requirements

Satisfying the customers' requirements might seem a no-brainer to creating a successful application. Problems are seen when software developers take too narrow an interpretation of what it means to satisfy a customer's requirements or use a traditional method of programming that doesn't allow flexibility in schedule or specifications.

Our approach in software development is to anticipate the unwritten needs of our clients. We know project specifications will change as the development cycle progresses. We know client processes may change as new software is implemented. We work to anticipate these changes in design and specifications by using an "agile programming methodology and process".

Agile programming relies on close collaboration between the members of the programming team and between the programming team and the client. By managing a development process in this fashion, we place the stress on ways to craft the code to incorporate changes and avoid crisis. This allows us to meet your specifications while maintaining a reasonable schedule.

Your Customer or User's Needs and Interface

Users are demanding intuitive applications. Our belief is that a user interface (UI) is well designed when the software program is easy to use and behaves exactly how the user expects. When done correctly, the UI enables your customers and users to be more effective and efficient.

Talking with, observing, and analyzing the needs of the users of the application allows us to accomplish the best user interface. This includes everyone from the application administrator to the general and power user. Addressing their needs ensures a greater acceptance of the application when completed and our developers to anticipate many of the technical difficulties to overcome with the application.

Most importantly, the interface is tailored for the user involved. A user will not see interface elements they do not need to see. For instance, a general user will not have access to the same tools an administrator might but the user level will have the tools they need to accomplish their needs. As a result, we can create uncluttered interfaces that require little training to use the application effectively.

Programming Language & Technologies

Continuous attention to good design and technical excellence enhances agility. The integrity and quality of the code used in various programming languages speeds up the development time.

Any project can be approached with a variety of software development methods. Part of creating high quality code is to use a minimalist approach for code building. The "least complex approach to the task" means the code will be more adaptable to change. It's easier to add something to a process that's too simple than it is to take something away from a process that is too complex.

Choosing the correct programming language is also a key to the success of a project. We guide you through the possibilities and provide you with our development recommendations to give you a platform that is current, flexible and allows for growth.

Data Requirements & Future Possibilities

Diverse data requirements and change is a part of growing organizations. What information do your user's need? What data must be kept secure or only accessed by certain individuals? Answering these questions as precisely as possible is the first step toward determining the data structure of the application.

Each category of user is going to have different data needs. As users become more sophisticated with the system, they will want more capabilities. To satisfy these changes and needs, designing flexibility and scalability into all our database systems is key for optimal growth.

Security and data access is another serious design consideration. Not only does this mean keeping unauthorized personnel out of critical data, but avoiding data replication and inconsistency, which can cause havoc in a database as surely as unauthorized intrusion. Often, data access needs for an individual user change quite rapidly. To allow fine control of what data each user has access to, we develop granular permissions schedules.

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